Journey Through Labyrinths: A Personal Tale of Design and Discovery 🌿

🔮 Finding My Path to Labyrinths

  • I remember the first time a labyrinth's mystique captivated me. It was more than just a maze-like path; it was a journey inwards

  • Ever since my first Labyrinth journey, I have sought them out wherever I go! The designs, the feeling of inner peace, of deepening within, the nature all around, inspired me to design and build my own in woodland at the end of my garden

  • Teaching with the wonderful Thames Valley Dowsers this summer, at the Global Retreat Centre in Oxfordshire, I shared this fascination. The labyrinth, more than a structure, became a shared story


🌐 The Art of Dowsing: More Than a Technique

  • Dowsing isn't just about finding water; it's about connecting deeply with the Earth's energies

  • I use dowsing to find the perfect spot for each labyrinth, creating a sacred space that resonates with its environment

  • Below is a diagram of what happens with the earth energies, when you work in harmony in selecting the location. Water is drawn to the centre, where a vortex of energy rises up. Another energy vortex is drawn to this from above. Guess what magic can happen when you stand in the centre of the labyrinth (called the goal) with this amazing energy is running through you and collaborating with your inner intention!

🌀 Designing with Heart and Soul

  • Choosing a design is a personal, intuitive process. It's like the labyrinth speaks to you, revealing its perfect pattern

  • From Classical to Modern styles, each design has its own energy and story to tell

  • Recently I have been designing and painting table-top labyrinths that you can use to journey inwards using just your index finger, here’s an example below, as well a a link to a video describing how to create one from scratch:

👥 Building as a Community Experience

  • There's something magical about building a labyrinth together. It's a dance of collaboration and individual expression

  • Singing, music making and sharing of food is such a wonderful support for the build itself

  • Using found object in nature and working what is already in place is my absolute favourite way to build a labyrinth - mowing the lawn or arranging leaves are a couple of simple and beautiful ways to create one!


🚶‍♀️ A Meditative Walk: More Than Just Steps

  • Each step in a labyrinth is a step into self-awareness. It's a physical meditation, a journey to the centre of oneself and back

  • I encourage everyone to walk a labyrinth with an open heart and mind, ready for the insights that unfold

  • At the workshop with Thames Valley Dowsers, we set an intention for the journey inward and supported it vibrationally with Sound Essences. It was amazing!


🌱 Inviting You on This Path

  • I invite you to explore the world of labyrinths. Whether it's designing, building, or simply walking, there's a labyrinth waiting for you.

  • If you're curious or need guidance, I'm here. Let's create and walk this path together!

Co-Creating with Consciousness: The Soulful Artistry of Jenn Clark

Jenn Clark with Alex Russell-Stoneham at Surrey Art Fair

Unlocking the Heart of Creativity

  • In a world that often romanticises the suffering artist, there exists a refreshing and uplifting perspective on creativity—one that celebrates the profound connection between art and consciousness.

  • Join me in as the host of a captivating episode of "Consciousness Co-Creates," as we're introduced to the remarkable artist, Jenn Clark. Together, we dive into the depths of creativity, soulful expression, and the art of co-creating with Consciousness!

  • Jenn Clark introduces herself as an artist who paints with great power, infusing her work with raw emotion and a profound connection to the world around her. Her art, she explains, is a creative process that demands being in tune with one's inner self. As we embark on this artistic journey with her, we learn that embracing vulnerability and authenticity are the cornerstones of her creative process.

Painting with an Unseen Force

  • Jenn's creative process is a dance with the unseen—an act of channeling the light within her onto the canvas. While her artwork defies conventional brushes, it relies on various unconventional methods to breathe life into her creations.

  • Her goal is to infuse her work with light and joy, capturing moments that resonate with the human spirit. Every stroke, every choice of utensil is a deliberate exploration until the painting truly comes alive.

The Magic of Connection

  • In the world of art, vulnerability is a gift, and authenticity is its language. Jenn emphasizes the importance of connecting with viewers who resonate with your work on a personal level.

  • Art, she asserts, is deeply subjective, and it's the connection between the artist and the viewer that truly matters. She shares the enchanting story of selling a piece of her art to a viewer who felt an unbreakable bond with her creation—a magical moment that encapsulates the power of authenticity and connection in art.

Celebrating Joyful Abundance

  • Jenn's art radiates with palpable energy, a vibrant celebration of life's beauty and abundance.

  • She attributes her creative journey to a deep inner calling, one that she could not ignore. Her art is a way of connecting with the world and people around her, and she aims to share the same pulsating energy she experiences as an artist with her viewers.

Beyond the Suffering Artist Trope

  • Jenn's journey challenges the conventional image of the suffering artist. Her path has been one of self-discovery, embracing her true self, and celebrating the beauty in the world.

  • She believes that the world is a beautiful place, even in its challenging moments, and her art reflects this belief. Art, she insists, should not be a painful endeavor but a joyful and abundant one.

Mindfulness, Meditation, and Creative Flow

  • For those beginning their artistic journey, Jenn recommends embracing mindfulness and meditation to connect with the highest state of creativity within themselves.

  • She encourages aspiring artists to be authentic, vulnerable, and fearless in expressing their unique selves. Procrastination, she suggests, should be left behind, and instead, creative impulses should be embraced without hesitation.

Embracing a “Beautiful Oops!”

  • Jenn acknowledges that creativity often involves making mistakes, but these mistakes are not failures; they are opportunities for growth and exploration.

  • She shares her work in progress, "Pathways," which is a testament to embracing the unexpected and finding beauty in the process.

Lead from the Heart

  • In the end, Jenn's message to aspiring artists is clear: lead from the heart, feel with the heart, and create with boundless authenticity.

  • It's a philosophy that celebrates the connection between art and consciousness, reminding us all that the journey of creation can be a joyful and soulful one.

In Conclusion

  • Jenn Clark's artistic journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity when it flows from the heart and soul.

  • Her ability to co-create with consciousness, embracing vulnerability and authenticity, challenges the traditional narratives surrounding artists. In her world, art is a celebration of life's beauty, a joyful journey of self-discovery, and a heartfelt connection with the world.

  • Now, we invite you to join us in experiencing this enlightening conversation firsthand!

  • Click the link below to watch "Consciousness Co-Creates - Unlocking Infinite Inspiration: The Soulful Artistry of Jenn Clark." Let this conversation fill your spirit with inspiration and uplift your creative soul.

Find out more about Jenn’s work on her website:

Healing a Historic Home Unexpectedly

Recently I visited a rather special historic house, open to the public. The gardens are absolutely superb. The house itself is stunningly beautiful. When I went upstairs into a bedroom, it struck me how much sadness was in the room.

The energy felt dense and pulling, the emotion of sadness was super strong.

I asked permission to consciously connect with the energy of the house, then went on to enquire as to what the cause of this sadness and heavy energy could be.

On looking around visually, there were pictures of the grown daughter of the family in the bedroom. It was listed on the plan of the house as belonging to her.

It became apparent that there was a spirit in the room, unaware that they were still there, unable to move on from processing their sadness.

It was not the daughter, though, it was somebody else.

On connecting more closely with the spirit, I expressed recognition of their sadness. This awareness seemed to make the spirit feel supported. I sent them much love. I then went on to ask permission for the spirit to be guided to light. This was granted.

The energy in the room felt much lighter and brighter as a result. The sadness, the spirit had been feeling and holding was recognised and respected. The spirit felt seen and understood, and was able to move to the light with grace.

When I went round the rest of the house, it became apparent who the spirit was.

The only son of the family had died age 21 in tragic circumstances. The parents struggled enormously and ended up divorcing, in an era when this was simply not done.

The energy in the room from the spirit was a feminine one. It was the mother. I surmised that she had taken to sleeping in this room when her daughter had grown up, in a separate location to the husband.

What a sad story, for someone to love so deeply, that when they lose that person they love that much, it destroys their own marriage as well.

At least now her spirit is able to rest in peace. I felt very honoured and grateful to be able to be of service.

Black and white picture of woman looking sad and alone

Healing a home in an unusual way

Recently a client asked for support in their home as appliances and even the boiler had stopped working. It was getting so common for things to break down it was more than coincidence. It was also becoming rather expensive, as well as disruptive!

After asking for permission to remotely check in on the home, I connected with it and felt that the home itself was out of kilter with the people living there. They are such a lovely family and both parents are involved in the healing arts.

It turned out that the original builder of the home was an angry person and their energy went into the bricks and mortar as the house was being built. This vibration was no longer able to harmonise with the more elevated vibrations of the occupants, so some house healing was required…

So there are many different approaches one can take to help heal or harmonise a home so that the vibration is aligned with the people who live there. Dowsing to find the ideal technique (after having identified the cause of the disharmony) is my favourite way to identify what’s needed. I have singing bowls and also Sound Essences and the intuitive owner was also being told Sound was the way forward.

So, where do you start with healing a home once you have identified the right healing modality? It felt right to connect with the home’s assemblage point - this is the ‘soul seed’ of the home, the conception point of where in time/space the house materialised into the field of consciousness. It is a small seed, like a tiny kidney bean. In my experience, it is in 3-dimensional space in a key area of the home, in mid air, around the height of a person’s heartspace. You can identify its location using dowsing rods or your own intuition. I found it (again, always asking permission first!), connected with it and then held a singing bowl and played it for the amount of time that felt right.

For anyone who has tried playing a singing bowl, it is noticeable how the singing bowl almost seems to play itself, once it has got going. Same with a gong during a sound bath experience.

Following the singing bowl healing, I used Sound Essences. I dowsed using my pendulum to identify which Sound Essences from the 1st through to 5th Dimensional healing would be beneficial. The Spirit of Place in the home also invited the owners to join in the Sound Essence treatment as a way of deepening the newly harmonised connection.

This healing process went very smoothly, felt very harmonious and the energy was beautifully elevated. Happy home, happy homeowners!

How to prepare for an interview, new project, big meeting or presentation with confidence

As a holistic coach, I have helped many clients achieve their goals and improve their lives using a range of powerful techniques. One super helpful and accessible technique is the Circle of Excellence, a tool from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that can be used to boost confidence, increase motivation, and achieve a state of peak performance.

At its core, the Circle of Excellence is a visualisation exercise that helps you tap into your inner resources and access positive emotions that you can then use to enhance your performance in any area of life. The exercise involves creating a mental image of a golden circle on the ground and stepping into it, imagining yourself surrounded by a bubble of positive energy and confidence.

Here's how it works:

  1. Identify your desired state: The first step in the Circle of Excellence technique is to identify the emotional or mental state that you want to achieve. This could be a feeling of confidence, calmness, creativity, or any other state that you want to cultivate.

  2. Recall a time when you felt that way: The next step is to think of a specific time when you felt the desired state. This could be a memory from the past or a hypothetical scenario in the future.

  3. Create a mental image of the circle: Visualise a circle on the ground in front of you. The circle should be large enough for you to step into and should be surrounded by a bubble of positive energy and confidence.

  4. Step into the circle: Imagine yourself stepping into the circle and feeling the positive energy and confidence surrounding you. You may want to say a phrase or mantra to yourself, such as "I am confident and capable" or "I am calm and focused."

  5. Amplify the feeling: Once you are inside the circle, take a few moments to amplify the feeling of positivity and confidence. You may want to imagine the circle growing brighter and more powerful, or feel the positive energy flowing through your body.

  6. Repeat as needed: You can repeat the Circle of Excellence exercise as often as you like, using it to cultivate different positive states and emotions.

So, how does the Circle of Excellence help?

By stepping into the circle and visualising positive emotions and energy, you are effectively reprogramming your subconscious mind to associate those feelings with a specific mental image. This means that you can call upon those positive emotions and energy whenever you need them, whether it's to boost your confidence before a big presentation, stay focused during a difficult conversation, or feel more creative when working on a project.

The Circle of Excellence is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of situations. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, increase your motivation, or achieve a state of peak performance, this technique can help you tap into your inner resources and access the positive emotions and energy that you need to succeed.

If you're interested in learning more about the Circle of Excellence or other NLP techniques, consider reaching out - I can guide you through the process and help you achieve your goals 🎯

Are you feeling so stressed you are wondering if it might make you ill?

Are you then worrying that by worrying about your stress levels, you are making things even worse? Do you feel overwhelmed but simply don’t have time or resources to deal with it? 

Or do you not even have the time to worry about yourself? 

Are you juggling endlessly as well as spinning so many plates that just one thing might tip you over the edge?

Are you being all things to all people, except yourself? 

Do you care and nurture others, but are too tired to do this for yourself? But you know it’s needed, right?! How do you even get there when you’re running on empty or just coping?

I have been there, such a giver, never a taker. Always on hand and known to sort stuff out, being a dedicated mum/sister/friend/colleague/daughter/wife…

I have learned the significance of putting yourself on the back burner while everyone has their piece of you. You find that you are at or beyond breaking point. It takes time to come back from that if you push yourself too far...

There is only so much energy cake to go round, you know deep down what you need to do, it is just about getting started on, and sticking to, what you feel in your heart is the right thing. 

I can help. Having walked this path and come out the other side, I know what works and how to make effective and long lasting positive changes and live a fulfilled life and be aligned with your true purpose, free from stress and overwhelm. I can help you feel those emotions and live in a heartfelt way, rather than filing emotions away for later as you just don’t have time, space or energy to process them. They do tend to come back round later!

Imagine having someone with their hand at your back, sharing your challenges and concerns and supporting you, walking with you every step of the way in getting to where you really want to be. Helping you learn the best way for how to soothe yourself, your frazzled nerves, de-stress and decompress. Helping you reconnect with how to find some peace, reclaim the balance your life so dearly needs and truly deserves.

I have developed Whole Person coaching, called “Intentional Life Design” to meet you where you are now, take time to understand this holistically and chart a natural, beneficial, life affirming path towards that vision you have of yourself before daily life gets in the way!

We will transform:

  • Imposter syndrome into inner knowing and confidence 

  • Unhealthy boundaries into re-established, healthy boundaries 

  • Unhealthy habits into energising practices 

  • Drama triangle into Empathy triangle 

  • Fear of the unknown into a clear, light filled feeling of possibility

  • Procrastination into motivation 

  • Difficult people/situations into harmony and wisdom

  • Grieving for your lost sense of self into reclaiming and stepping into your true, most powerful self

You will find yourself coming back to feeling a Whole Person, where your life is in balance and harmony, your priorities are in alignment with your values and you can create the space for your inner creativity and light to shine brightly. 

Where you have time to breathe!

It is time to take a step into the right direction for you, that is life supporting and allows you to cherish yourself again! 

Now’s the right time to have a complimentary introductory call to explore this vision of you that you would love to be living, but need the right support, in the right way and at the right moment to make that hope and dream come true. When you and I team up, we can make it possible for you to live a fulfilled life by (re)connecting with and leading from your heart 💖

Help me help you to reclaim your passion for you, to be your own best friend and rekindle your fire in your heart for becoming your own true self again. 

Forget “Spotify Wrapped”, what’s the soundtrack to your life?

Today I was listening to a song “Making Plans for Nigel” (Nouvelle Vague’s version) and I started thinking about a wonderful new connection and friend I made 18 months ago, called Nigel.

When scanning back through time and remembering the initial meeting, having reached out online after reading one of his inspiring posts, I reconnected with how I knew he was a kindred spirit and we just “got” each other instantly.

The journey we had both been on had so many similarities and twists and turns. It inspired and elevated us both and whenever we speak, there is a sense of flow, expansiveness and inspiration.

I am so glad to have met my friend Nigel. Listening to this song, it reminded me that he is someone I want to speak with again, very soon!

This musical moment which filled my heart, got me thinking about what is the soundtrack to my life.

What kind of songs might represent the innocence of my childhood, the challenges I faced with my parents’ divorce and then with an abusive stepfather… the life saving escape to boarding school by the seaside, the camaraderie of friends, initial moments of Self awareness, followed by college life, #MeToo moments, a chronic illness, discovering and expressing my creativity, connecting with and exploring my spiritual awakening, healing and ultimately Self discovery.

It’s been a real journey! Wouldn’t change it for the world.

In case you haven’t heard of “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell, I would recommend reading up on it.

Star Wars’ Luke Skywalker is the most celebrated version of the Hero’s Journey. Think of what he goes through, from the day to day of his life on Tatooine, with his Aunt and Uncle, then the unexpected message from Princess Leia, meeting a mentor and guide in Obi Wan Kenobi, then the camaraderie with Han Solo and Chewbacca, onto discovering his path as a Jedi Master.

Was it easy as a path? Once he was on it, could he turn back? What did he learn along the way, what did he unlearn? How did the film music reflect all of that?

We are all on a Hero’s Journey of our own. What would you choose for your soundtrack?

What do these songs mean to you and how did they help you along on your own hero’s journey?

Hope you have fun exploring this!

PS This is your Life’s Soundtrack, it will always be a work in progress

PPS It will contain some tracks that feel odd to you now, even a little awkward or uncomfortable but that’s OK.

It’s life and life can at times be messy. Embrace and integrate rather than shun or avoid. This is a playlist for the true you, in all your kaleidoscope of experiences and meaningful moments 🤗

Here’s the link to my work in progress playlist on Spotify in case you’re interested.

All tracks have meant something at some point, including one I sung to my Nana on her deathbed in 2018, another one planned for our wedding dance in 2019. None are in exact chronological order:

Are you ready to make a change to become more fulfilled?

My friend has recently left this big company. Over the last 18 months he has had a sad experience of shutting down a once vibrant, friendly and fun office. He has gone from once having a spring in his step going to work to struggling to get out of bed. Finding any motivation was tough. He felt grumpy and it increasingly affected his mood. Feeling frustrated, he felt his life force dulled.

Thankfully, he also has always managed to find a way to have a positive outlook, despite the circumstances around him. He dreamt of a better way of being, recognising his innate skills and gifts he could share with his industry. He and a business partner talked about combining their skills to offer something special to the world.

Read more

How to get into a '"Flow" state and feel in harmony with your surroundings

Have you ever felt in a state of “Flow"? You know it when it happens. You feel in tune, things are easy to achieve and relaxing to do, you feel open, receptive and aligned. Sometimes this experience is fleeting, just for a few moments or hours. Sometimes it can be experienced for a full day, or longer. It can take practice to get into a sustained state of flow, but life is so much easier to live so let’s look at three helpful options to help get into your “Flow” state...

Aesthetic Desk layout with Feng Shui principles, nature and flow

Aesthetic Desk Layout with nature, space and comfort, which support a state of “Flow'“

  1. Timer to Timeless:

    • Flow is a sense of an internal and external alignment with self and the universe. There is an intuitive, connected state and we feel in touch with the rhythm that the earth breathes. Remembering that Flow is not in a rushed state, in a hurry or on a ticking clock’s timeline. There is a timeless quality to it.

    • Imagine how we walk down the street, especially city dwellers. There is a real, accelerated pace to each step, as if the world is a super-fast conveyer belt and we have to keep up with the constant swirl of deadlines, stuff happening and it is running away, minute by minute, like an egg timer.

    • What if we are a forest dweller? How do the trees move? Imagine the earth breathing. What would the pace of walking be if we are in harmony with that? We might get a sense of a more ‘processional’ pace, as if walking up the aisle of the church. There is no hurry, deadline or clock ticking in the forest. There is a sense of respect and honouring nature with the processional pace. People who have meditated in a ‘tree temple’ or tried ‘forest bathing’ know this.

    • Nature is soothing, proven helpful for mental wellbeing and runs to a rhythm, it is not subject to timers, alarms, deadlines, yet things get done all the same. How can we be more like nature and run to our own natural rhythm? Would we get the right things done in the right way and at the right moment perhaps, rather than in a rush, under pressure and feeling stressed?

  2. Look at your desk where you work

    • Is there a stack of papers to sort through?

    • Are there lots of to-do lists and post it notes?

    • Is it aesthetically attractive?

    • Is there anything personal like a photo, or anything that makes you feel uplifted?

    • Is there a living plant on your desk to help bring nature in?

    • Imagine a flow of energy (called Prana or Chi), like a small stream, were to flow around your desk in a clockwise direction, starting from your left side, across to your right. Would it be a natural, curved line or is it jagged to get around sharp objects or clutter?

    • What would you feel if your desk was clear and open, with a few simple objects that feel supportive and positive?

    • If you sat at your desk in a connected, open and relaxed state, with no agenda, breathing in a conscious way, what would be the first thing that you did? Would you trust your intuition to allow you to start working on the most harmonious and helpful first task? (Helpful hint - email is not it!)

  3. Look at your inner self, with a loving gaze

    • How are you feeling, really, when you take a moment to stop, breathe and focus inward? Even taking this one step is a blessing, as you are giving yourself time to align with your true self

    • Is your mind full of clutter, in terms of thoughts, self talk, endless to do lists and chores? Is all of the stuff that you are thinking about having to do really necessary? Will it even matter in 5 year’s time?

    • Have a look at your ‘Wheel of Life” which is an open invitation to expand into your most aligned self. Here is a link for one that is aligned with Feng Shui principles, so that you can assess your outer surroundings to support your inner alignment and direction forwards

    • Reflect on the area that stands out as the most under-represented in your life

    • What are 5 -10 different options for helping expand this area of your life so you feel more fully alive and aligned with self

    • What might be holding you back from achieving this? Is there anything you could do to navigate around obstacles, or see, recognise and nurture that inner part of you that says “you can’t do this, you’re not good enough?” Remember the inner critical voice you hear is a part of you that has a positive intention, it wants to protect you and keep you safe from being hurt. By going inside and meeting it where it’s at, you might be able to recognise its concerns and reassure it that you are aware of this and you want to always be safe as you step outside of that comfort zone and into the growth zone

    • Acknowledge all the amazing steps you have taken so far to get here, recognise the challenges you have overcome, love the person you have become! It can be a lifelong journey to fully embrace loving your own self unconditionally, reintegrated the hurt and wounded parts and the parts that get triggered by external events or people’s actions. By putting your hand on your heartspace (in the centre of your chest) and feeling self love for who you REALLY are, it can be very healing and centering.

    • Trust that you KNOW the right thing to do, when to do it and how to. It is allowing that felt sense of intuition and gut instinct that allows you to truly KNOW. If you THINK you need to do something, recognise that is your mind THINKING, not your heart KNOWING. Which one do you listen to? Which one is more connected to you being in a state of “Flow”? I believe you KNOW which one it is!