Hello, I am Alex Russell-Stoneham
I believe everyone deserves the chance to live their best life, with positivity, love and wellbeing, to discover who they really are, connect with their life purpose and sing their soul song.
We are all magical, beautiful and so full of potential - I really feel that life is about being of service to others, powerfully. My purpose is to help you achieve your full potential so that you can live a joyful, aligned and fulfilling life!
When I was 19, a serious illness really stopped me in my tracks and made me think about what might be the cause of such a significant shift in my health. On my journey to recovery, I started to realise that maybe my worry, guilt and shame that I quietly thought about may have played some part in damaging my health.
I resolved to stop worrying - easy to say, it took practice to do!
I have had a successful and rewarding career, I gave a lot and found that over time my work and life boundaries had dissolved. While I was busy being superwoman, I also was pushing myself so far that I got exhausted, running on adrenaline to keep on truckin’. The funny thing is when you keep on relentlessly pushing forwards, you are not allowing yourself time to process stress, workload pressure and emotions. You muscle through. The thing is with muscles, they get tired in the end…
At a critical moment, I stepped over the cliff edge into burnout land. It was a long, steady and tough climb back to myself and I have learned so much about self-care. I would love the opportunity to help share this knowledge with others, to be of service.
On my journey to be free from worry, recover from burnout and reclaim my boundaries, I learned some wonderful healing and meditation techniques, along with space alignment and space clearing skills. By clearing and connecting my inner world with my outer space, creating internal beauty and making my surroundings beautiful, I feel I have achieved the harmony in my own Intentional Life Design, full of gratitude, alignment and flow.
My experience and qualifications
As well as extensive business experience with international leadership roles, managing, training, coaching and nurturing highly motivated teams, I am qualified in :
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) as a Master Practitioner
Life Coaching
Reiki Master
Dowsing for healing and also balancing earth energy
Sound Essences
Feng Shui with Space Clearing
Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)
Tapping EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Over the years I have also trained in the healing arts, with Dowsing, the Chakra System, Meditation. I have enjoyed teaching Sacred Space Clearing, Dowsing, Chakras and working with energy. I have run a meditation group locally and love the atmosphere created with group work.
I love feeling energy and have developed an intuitive way to sculpt energy for our chakras so that they run and spin optimally. It is very easy to learn and I love sharing knowledge!
With my passion for connecting to nature and the space we live in, I have developed an Intentional Space Design method for aligning and clearing our homes and gardens so that we become really connected and aware of how our outer surroundings reflect our inner lives.
This can involve identifying where the most replenishing areas of our homes and gardens are, so we can consciously sit there and feel the energy inside get naturally topped up. It is so much more soothing and uplifting than a quick fix in the form or wine or chocolate! The Power Centres in our home are a wonderful way of feeling the energy that flows in our living environments.
I also teach people how to do Space Clearing. This is a wonderful process of releasing previous energy (last occupants of your home, the hotel room or villa that you are staying in, clear the atmosphere after an argument etc.) that is so useful and easy to do. It feels like a magical spring clean!
A recent addition to the way I work has been with Sound Essences, which I use for healing, goal setting, supporting living / working spaces and also businesses. I am really noticing positive and powerful shifts in how people’s energy and vitality is uplifted. Also I have noticed beautiful things happen with people’s businesses, with my Intentional Business Design service, which supports heart and soul based business owners. I am ever so grateful to the wonderful Evelyn Mulder, who has developed these wonderful products to help work in profound and elevated ways!
All of us have had tricky or traumatic events in our lives, what happens at the soul level is that part of our soul is sheared into a small fragment, which is left at the time/space of the traumatic event.
Our psyche then creates a belief, thought form, pattern or emotion which is encoded, associated with this traumatic event. It is trying to help us process it by making a meaning from the event. This plays out in our life as a reflex or reaction that surfaces in the form of an emotional trigger. We create stories that explain or justify our triggered responses, but we are not always consciously aware of the age of the source trauma that lies protected, behind the trigger’s outward reaction.
This is a natural protection mechanism and part of our soul’s journey is to uncover that hurt inner part of ourselves, retrieve the soul fragment that was lost back in time and reintegrate it with love, honour, respect and acceptance into the whole. Soul Fragment Retrieval is a gentle, loving and nurturing process to help us patch ourselves back together and become whole again.
Gratitude to my teachers and guides
I would like to thank the wonderful Savina Miller, who has been my healing mentor since I was 15 years old! She has been the one to teach me Reiki, Chakras, Journeying and Meditation. 🙏 Savina's Website
Melinda Iverson-Inn has helped me on many levels, sharing her wisdom, healing and dowsing experience. Thank you so much Melinda! I am eternally grateful! 🙏 Melinda's Website
Evelyn Mulders - who is a fellow alchemist and dowser, has been so kind and generous with sharing her wisdom and beautiful Sound Essences to support people, homes and businesses. So grateful to you Evelyn! 🙏 Evelyn's Website
Dorothy Chitty has been an amazing teacher, healer, guide and friend. I am forever grateful for all the support and insight she has provided into how to develop spiritually. 🙏 Dorothy's website