Are you ready to make a change to become more fulfilled?

Today I was catching up with a dear Italian friend. We used to work together in a global company during a challenging time of integration, shutting down offices and digital transformation. We found light in each other, despite the atmosphere and pressure at work, we recognised our similar values of being kind, wanting to help others, caring about quality and loving being with people. When you meet a similar soul on your path, you feel that you resonate with each other and it’s as if you have never been apart when you reconnect!

My friend has recently left this big company. Over the last 18 months he has had a sad experience of shutting down a once vibrant, friendly and fun office. He has gone from once having a spring in his step going to work to struggling to get out of bed. Finding any motivation was tough. He felt grumpy and it increasingly affected his mood. Feeling frustrated, he felt his life force dulled.

Thankfully, he also has always managed to find a way to have a positive outlook, despite the circumstances around him. He dreamt of a better way of being, recognising his innate skills and gifts he could share with his industry. He and a business partner talked about combining their skills to offer something special to the world.

The Way Forward - Being Fulfilled - Hand uncovering image of flock of birds flying free, in shape of upwards arrow

With some renewed energy and when his contract ended in December last year, he started to make contact with people he knows, who he has a natural connection with. He shared the positive vision for what he can offer. Here’s what he found happened:

  • He has been open hearted, with postivity and hopefulness when communicating

  • He always receives a sincere and helpful response, whether or not there is a business opportunity

  • He has faith, as well as trust in his own abilities

  • He contacts people when they came into his awareness

  • He has trusted his intuition and gut instinct all along

  • He is sowing seeds of possibility with each interaction, with no attachment to the outcome

  • He does not push or pressurise for results, he allows things to unfurl naturally, with attention and calm focus

  • He has enjoyed every connection he has made

  • He feels full of gratitude for each opportunity that has arisen (which means that there is no space for fear or anxiety)

  • He makes time to walk with his wife 3 times a week in a beautiful place for an hour and a half, no interruptions and experiences connection, peace and tranquility

  • He has had offers coming to him in a meaningful way

  • He is an inspiration to those around him, who feel stuck in their unhappy position at their current company. Sure they have regular pay check, but have to deal with frustration, politics, helplessness and malaise

  • He prepared for this move, by saving while he could and being sensible about outgoings

We talked about his vision for his business, and how to put it into a vision board. He will smile inside each time he looks at it
— 😊

We agreed that a key ingredient of success is being '“in action'“, having a momentum and connecting with people you know. The being “in action” keeps your confidence up and growing, whilst sharing with others in your circle creates ideas sharing and connections that go wider than you believe possible. Procrastination trying to make things perfect is the opposite to this way of being. If you catch yourself in this mode, well done! It will keep you stuck. Sure it will also keep you safe as starting a new career or making a big change is an unknown. Would you rather be stuck, frustrated, depressed and safe, or free, purposeful, energised with a bit of risk?! A leap of faith does take courage, for sure. Having people around you to support you makes a huge difference.

Connection image of nails in wooden board linked with thread to represent how connected we and our ideas are
Being “in action”, sharing news about your new venture and keeping in touch with your connections are the secret sauce for serendipity and success.
— Alex Russell-Stoneham

I have never seen my friend so happy, fulfilled and unburdened. Sure, things sometimes don’t always go to plan, or 100% of the time work out the way he hopes. Instead of taking it personally, he learns from it, finds the growth medicine and moves on.

I am so grateful to hear his story. His story is my story. I hope it can become your story too…