Journey Through Labyrinths: A Personal Tale of Design and Discovery ๐ŸŒฟ

๐Ÿ”ฎ Finding My Path to Labyrinths

  • I remember the first time a labyrinth's mystique captivated me. It was more than just a maze-like path; it was a journey inwards

  • Ever since my first Labyrinth journey, I have sought them out wherever I go! The designs, the feeling of inner peace, of deepening within, the nature all around, inspired me to design and build my own in woodland at the end of my garden

  • Teaching with the wonderful Thames Valley Dowsers this summer, at the Global Retreat Centre in Oxfordshire, I shared this fascination. The labyrinth, more than a structure, became a shared story


๐ŸŒ The Art of Dowsing: More Than a Technique

  • Dowsing isn't just about finding water; it's about connecting deeply with the Earth's energies

  • I use dowsing to find the perfect spot for each labyrinth, creating a sacred space that resonates with its environment

  • Below is a diagram of what happens with the earth energies, when you work in harmony in selecting the location. Water is drawn to the centre, where a vortex of energy rises up. Another energy vortex is drawn to this from above. Guess what magic can happen when you stand in the centre of the labyrinth (called the goal) with this amazing energy is running through you and collaborating with your inner intention!

๐ŸŒ€ Designing with Heart and Soul

  • Choosing a design is a personal, intuitive process. It's like the labyrinth speaks to you, revealing its perfect pattern

  • From Classical to Modern styles, each design has its own energy and story to tell

  • Recently I have been designing and painting table-top labyrinths that you can use to journey inwards using just your index finger, hereโ€™s an example below, as well a a link to a video describing how to create one from scratch:

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Building as a Community Experience

  • There's something magical about building a labyrinth together. It's a dance of collaboration and individual expression

  • Singing, music making and sharing of food is such a wonderful support for the build itself

  • Using found object in nature and working what is already in place is my absolute favourite way to build a labyrinth - mowing the lawn or arranging leaves are a couple of simple and beautiful ways to create one!


๐Ÿšถโ€โ™€๏ธ A Meditative Walk: More Than Just Steps

  • Each step in a labyrinth is a step into self-awareness. It's a physical meditation, a journey to the centre of oneself and back

  • I encourage everyone to walk a labyrinth with an open heart and mind, ready for the insights that unfold

  • At the workshop with Thames Valley Dowsers, we set an intention for the journey inward and supported it vibrationally with Sound Essences. It was amazing!


๐ŸŒฑ Inviting You on This Path

  • I invite you to explore the world of labyrinths. Whether it's designing, building, or simply walking, there's a labyrinth waiting for you.

  • If you're curious or need guidance, I'm here. Let's create and walk this path together!

Healing a Historic Home Unexpectedly

Recently I visited a rather special historic house, open to the public. The gardens are absolutely superb. The house itself is stunningly beautiful. When I went upstairs into a bedroom, it struck me how much sadness was in the room.

The energy felt dense and pulling, the emotion of sadness was super strong.

I asked permission to consciously connect with the energy of the house, then went on to enquire as to what the cause of this sadness and heavy energy could be.

On looking around visually, there were pictures of the grown daughter of the family in the bedroom. It was listed on the plan of the house as belonging to her.

It became apparent that there was a spirit in the room, unaware that they were still there, unable to move on from processing their sadness.

It was not the daughter, though, it was somebody else.

On connecting more closely with the spirit, I expressed recognition of their sadness. This awareness seemed to make the spirit feel supported. I sent them much love. I then went on to ask permission for the spirit to be guided to light. This was granted.

The energy in the room felt much lighter and brighter as a result. The sadness, the spirit had been feeling and holding was recognised and respected. The spirit felt seen and understood, and was able to move to the light with grace.

When I went round the rest of the house, it became apparent who the spirit was.

The only son of the family had died age 21 in tragic circumstances. The parents struggled enormously and ended up divorcing, in an era when this was simply not done.

The energy in the room from the spirit was a feminine one. It was the mother. I surmised that she had taken to sleeping in this room when her daughter had grown up, in a separate location to the husband.

What a sad story, for someone to love so deeply, that when they lose that person they love that much, it destroys their own marriage as well.

At least now her spirit is able to rest in peace. I felt very honoured and grateful to be able to be of service.

Black and white picture of woman looking sad and alone

Are you ready to make a change to become more fulfilled?

My friend has recently left this big company. Over the last 18 months he has had a sad experience of shutting down a once vibrant, friendly and fun office. He has gone from once having a spring in his step going to work to struggling to get out of bed. Finding any motivation was tough. He felt grumpy and it increasingly affected his mood. Feeling frustrated, he felt his life force dulled.

Thankfully, he also has always managed to find a way to have a positive outlook, despite the circumstances around him. He dreamt of a better way of being, recognising his innate skills and gifts he could share with his industry. He and a business partner talked about combining their skills to offer something special to the world.

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