Journey Through Labyrinths: A Personal Tale of Design and Discovery 🌿

🔮 Finding My Path to Labyrinths

  • I remember the first time a labyrinth's mystique captivated me. It was more than just a maze-like path; it was a journey inwards

  • Ever since my first Labyrinth journey, I have sought them out wherever I go! The designs, the feeling of inner peace, of deepening within, the nature all around, inspired me to design and build my own in woodland at the end of my garden

  • Teaching with the wonderful Thames Valley Dowsers this summer, at the Global Retreat Centre in Oxfordshire, I shared this fascination. The labyrinth, more than a structure, became a shared story


🌐 The Art of Dowsing: More Than a Technique

  • Dowsing isn't just about finding water; it's about connecting deeply with the Earth's energies

  • I use dowsing to find the perfect spot for each labyrinth, creating a sacred space that resonates with its environment

  • Below is a diagram of what happens with the earth energies, when you work in harmony in selecting the location. Water is drawn to the centre, where a vortex of energy rises up. Another energy vortex is drawn to this from above. Guess what magic can happen when you stand in the centre of the labyrinth (called the goal) with this amazing energy is running through you and collaborating with your inner intention!

🌀 Designing with Heart and Soul

  • Choosing a design is a personal, intuitive process. It's like the labyrinth speaks to you, revealing its perfect pattern

  • From Classical to Modern styles, each design has its own energy and story to tell

  • Recently I have been designing and painting table-top labyrinths that you can use to journey inwards using just your index finger, here’s an example below, as well a a link to a video describing how to create one from scratch:

👥 Building as a Community Experience

  • There's something magical about building a labyrinth together. It's a dance of collaboration and individual expression

  • Singing, music making and sharing of food is such a wonderful support for the build itself

  • Using found object in nature and working what is already in place is my absolute favourite way to build a labyrinth - mowing the lawn or arranging leaves are a couple of simple and beautiful ways to create one!


🚶‍♀️ A Meditative Walk: More Than Just Steps

  • Each step in a labyrinth is a step into self-awareness. It's a physical meditation, a journey to the centre of oneself and back

  • I encourage everyone to walk a labyrinth with an open heart and mind, ready for the insights that unfold

  • At the workshop with Thames Valley Dowsers, we set an intention for the journey inward and supported it vibrationally with Sound Essences. It was amazing!


🌱 Inviting You on This Path

  • I invite you to explore the world of labyrinths. Whether it's designing, building, or simply walking, there's a labyrinth waiting for you.

  • If you're curious or need guidance, I'm here. Let's create and walk this path together!

🌟Harnessing Dr. David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness: A Dowser's Guide to Calibration and Decision-Making🌟


🌌 The world of dowsing, an ancient practice that seeks to tap into subtle energies and uncover hidden truths, has long intrigued those with an interest in the metaphysical and the unseen. While dowsing is often associated with locating underground water sources or finding lost objects, it can also be a powerful tool for assessing the energetic quality of various aspects of our lives. Dr. David R. Hawkins, a renowned psychiatrist and consciousness researcher, introduced a fascinating concept that can take dowsing to new heights – his Map of Consciousness. In this blog post, we'll explore how dowsers can use this map to calibrate items like food, film, locations, new homes, and jobs. Moreover, we'll delve into how it can be a game-changer for making decisions with clarity and insight. 🧘‍♀️

Understanding Dr. David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness

🌟Before we dive into the practical applications, let's first understand the Map of Consciousness introduced by Dr. David Hawkins. This map is a logarithmic scale that measures the vibrational frequency or level of consciousness associated with different emotional states and ways of thinking. It ranges from 0 to 1000, with 200 being the critical threshold that separates positive from negative energy. Here's a brief overview of some of the key levels on the map:

  1. Shame (20) - The lowest level, characterized by a sense of humiliation and worthlessness.

  2. Guilt (30) - A step above shame, marked by self-blame and regret.

  3. Apathy (50) - A state of indifference and a lack of interest or motivation.

  4. Fear (100) - A common emotional state associated with anxiety and worry.

  5. Courage (200) - The pivotal point where the energy becomes positive, marking the start of empowerment and self-assuredness.

  6. Love (500) - A high level of consciousness associated with love, compassion, and enlightenment.

Calibrating Everyday Items

🍽️🎬🌍🏡👜 One intriguing application of the Map of Consciousness is calibrating everyday items to assess their energetic quality. This can be particularly useful for dowsers looking to make choices that align with higher levels of consciousness. Let's explore some common areas where calibration can be applied:

  1. Food: By dowsing and calibrating the energy of the food you consume, you can make healthier and more spiritually conscious choices. For instance, you can determine which foods are energetically supportive of your well-being by focusing on items that calibrate above the 200 threshold.

  2. Film: Have you ever wondered why some movies leave you feeling uplifted, while others bring you down? Dowsing and calibrating films based on their energetic quality can help you choose movies that resonate with your consciousness level.

  3. Location: When deciding where to go on a holiday, dowsers can calibrate the energy of various locations to find those that are most harmonious with their spiritual growth.

  4. New Home: Similarly, dowsing can assist in selecting a new home by calibrating the energy of different properties. A dwelling with a higher consciousness level is likely to be a more nurturing and supportive environment.

  5. New Job: Dowsing can help individuals evaluate potential job opportunities. Calibrating the energy of a workplace can reveal whether it is a suitable and harmonious environment for personal growth and fulfillment.

Decision-Making with Clarity

🔍💡Now that you understand the concept of calibration using the Map of Consciousness, let's explore how it can be a valuable tool for decision-making:

  1. Clarity and Alignment: When making decisions, dowsers can use calibration to ensure their choices align with higher levels of consciousness. This alignment can lead to a more fulfilling and spiritually rewarding life.

  2. Personal Growth: By consistently choosing items, locations, and experiences with higher consciousness levels, individuals can accelerate their personal growth and inner transformation.

  3. Resonance and Harmony: Calibrating decisions based on the Map of Consciousness fosters a sense of resonance and harmony in one's life. It helps avoid situations or choices that might hinder personal growth or lead to negative energy.


🌟 Dr. David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness provides dowsers with a profound and practical tool to assess the energetic quality of various aspects of their lives. By calibrating everyday items and using this map for decision-making, dowsers can lead more conscious, harmonious, and fulfilling lives.

This approach not only enhances personal growth but also contributes to a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. So, the next time you reach for a snack, choose a movie, or contemplate a major life decision, consider harnessing the power of the Map of Consciousness to help guide you on your path to higher awareness and enlightenment. 🌠

💬 Ready to explore the world of dowsing and consciousness with like-minded individuals? Join the conversation and have a chat about dowsing with me, Alex Russell-Stoneham, I can offer valuable insights and guidance on this fascinating journey. Get in touch today to start your adventure into higher consciousness and self-discovery! 🌐📞 #Dowsing #MapOfConsciousness #HigherAwareness #ChatWithAlex

Healing a Historic Home Unexpectedly

Recently I visited a rather special historic house, open to the public. The gardens are absolutely superb. The house itself is stunningly beautiful. When I went upstairs into a bedroom, it struck me how much sadness was in the room.

The energy felt dense and pulling, the emotion of sadness was super strong.

I asked permission to consciously connect with the energy of the house, then went on to enquire as to what the cause of this sadness and heavy energy could be.

On looking around visually, there were pictures of the grown daughter of the family in the bedroom. It was listed on the plan of the house as belonging to her.

It became apparent that there was a spirit in the room, unaware that they were still there, unable to move on from processing their sadness.

It was not the daughter, though, it was somebody else.

On connecting more closely with the spirit, I expressed recognition of their sadness. This awareness seemed to make the spirit feel supported. I sent them much love. I then went on to ask permission for the spirit to be guided to light. This was granted.

The energy in the room felt much lighter and brighter as a result. The sadness, the spirit had been feeling and holding was recognised and respected. The spirit felt seen and understood, and was able to move to the light with grace.

When I went round the rest of the house, it became apparent who the spirit was.

The only son of the family had died age 21 in tragic circumstances. The parents struggled enormously and ended up divorcing, in an era when this was simply not done.

The energy in the room from the spirit was a feminine one. It was the mother. I surmised that she had taken to sleeping in this room when her daughter had grown up, in a separate location to the husband.

What a sad story, for someone to love so deeply, that when they lose that person they love that much, it destroys their own marriage as well.

At least now her spirit is able to rest in peace. I felt very honoured and grateful to be able to be of service.

Black and white picture of woman looking sad and alone

Healing a home in an unusual way

Recently a client asked for support in their home as appliances and even the boiler had stopped working. It was getting so common for things to break down it was more than coincidence. It was also becoming rather expensive, as well as disruptive!

After asking for permission to remotely check in on the home, I connected with it and felt that the home itself was out of kilter with the people living there. They are such a lovely family and both parents are involved in the healing arts.

It turned out that the original builder of the home was an angry person and their energy went into the bricks and mortar as the house was being built. This vibration was no longer able to harmonise with the more elevated vibrations of the occupants, so some house healing was required…

So there are many different approaches one can take to help heal or harmonise a home so that the vibration is aligned with the people who live there. Dowsing to find the ideal technique (after having identified the cause of the disharmony) is my favourite way to identify what’s needed. I have singing bowls and also Sound Essences and the intuitive owner was also being told Sound was the way forward.

So, where do you start with healing a home once you have identified the right healing modality? It felt right to connect with the home’s assemblage point - this is the ‘soul seed’ of the home, the conception point of where in time/space the house materialised into the field of consciousness. It is a small seed, like a tiny kidney bean. In my experience, it is in 3-dimensional space in a key area of the home, in mid air, around the height of a person’s heartspace. You can identify its location using dowsing rods or your own intuition. I found it (again, always asking permission first!), connected with it and then held a singing bowl and played it for the amount of time that felt right.

For anyone who has tried playing a singing bowl, it is noticeable how the singing bowl almost seems to play itself, once it has got going. Same with a gong during a sound bath experience.

Following the singing bowl healing, I used Sound Essences. I dowsed using my pendulum to identify which Sound Essences from the 1st through to 5th Dimensional healing would be beneficial. The Spirit of Place in the home also invited the owners to join in the Sound Essence treatment as a way of deepening the newly harmonised connection.

This healing process went very smoothly, felt very harmonious and the energy was beautifully elevated. Happy home, happy homeowners!