How to prepare for an interview, new project, big meeting or presentation with confidence

As a holistic coach, I have helped many clients achieve their goals and improve their lives using a range of powerful techniques. One super helpful and accessible technique is the Circle of Excellence, a tool from the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that can be used to boost confidence, increase motivation, and achieve a state of peak performance.

At its core, the Circle of Excellence is a visualisation exercise that helps you tap into your inner resources and access positive emotions that you can then use to enhance your performance in any area of life. The exercise involves creating a mental image of a golden circle on the ground and stepping into it, imagining yourself surrounded by a bubble of positive energy and confidence.

Here's how it works:

  1. Identify your desired state: The first step in the Circle of Excellence technique is to identify the emotional or mental state that you want to achieve. This could be a feeling of confidence, calmness, creativity, or any other state that you want to cultivate.

  2. Recall a time when you felt that way: The next step is to think of a specific time when you felt the desired state. This could be a memory from the past or a hypothetical scenario in the future.

  3. Create a mental image of the circle: Visualise a circle on the ground in front of you. The circle should be large enough for you to step into and should be surrounded by a bubble of positive energy and confidence.

  4. Step into the circle: Imagine yourself stepping into the circle and feeling the positive energy and confidence surrounding you. You may want to say a phrase or mantra to yourself, such as "I am confident and capable" or "I am calm and focused."

  5. Amplify the feeling: Once you are inside the circle, take a few moments to amplify the feeling of positivity and confidence. You may want to imagine the circle growing brighter and more powerful, or feel the positive energy flowing through your body.

  6. Repeat as needed: You can repeat the Circle of Excellence exercise as often as you like, using it to cultivate different positive states and emotions.

So, how does the Circle of Excellence help?

By stepping into the circle and visualising positive emotions and energy, you are effectively reprogramming your subconscious mind to associate those feelings with a specific mental image. This means that you can call upon those positive emotions and energy whenever you need them, whether it's to boost your confidence before a big presentation, stay focused during a difficult conversation, or feel more creative when working on a project.

The Circle of Excellence is a powerful tool that can be used in a variety of situations. Whether you're looking to boost your confidence, increase your motivation, or achieve a state of peak performance, this technique can help you tap into your inner resources and access the positive emotions and energy that you need to succeed.

If you're interested in learning more about the Circle of Excellence or other NLP techniques, consider reaching out - I can guide you through the process and help you achieve your goals 🎯