Are your hearthspace and heartspace connected?

I am so grateful for having Reiki in my life. This morning I connected, grounded and placed my hands across my heartspace, in the centre of my chest, ready to channel Reiki energy.

Funny, when writing this, I misspelled heartspace as hearthspace, and that is the heart of the home usually, isn't it? The place we would gather round and connect, staring into the flames of the fire, sitting side by side, sharing or storytelling.

How many of us do that nowadays? We have so many other things to 'do', endless tick lists and projects, or streaming content to wade through, whereas sitting by the fire and looking into the flames is a form of 'be'-ing, not 'do'-ing… 

What can we learn from this?

Be careful if your mind races with answering this! 'Thinking' about it will lead to lots of rationalising, then ending up justifying the status quo so that we stay stuck in this rut. That is what our mind (and protective parts such as the inner critic, or our busy, productive part) think that is what is needed to keep us safe - to keep us the same.

'Knowing' comes from the heart.

Let's ask this question again, parking the busy mind for a moment: What can we learn from this?

Not much that we don't already know inside. We know that our ways of life, our connections have become a bit transaction-y, with 'likes', emojis and quickfire comments.

 How would it feel for a person who has shared something personal or significant, to have the other person speak, alongside them, looking into the flames? That sense of sitting by your side feels like that person is with you. Imagine responding to a post or message back with a voice message, where you record it imagining that you are sitting by that person's side, looking into the flames and expressing all that arises from within.

How would that person feel, even if they are in a different time zone?

You would be connected, on a deeper, more significant level. This is where humanity is heading and evolving towards (had another lovely typo - evloving!), a deeper connection and oneness. Some of us might be kicking and screaming about it, inflamed and wanting to go back to the way things always have been (divided, hierarchical, fear-based, controlling, blame and judgement filled) but those of us on the path with eyes and heart wide open feel the loving embrace of oneness. Let's lead from the heart and journey onwards and upwards, taking time to gather around the hearthspace, connect and just 'be', wherever we are.