Forget “Spotify Wrapped”, what’s the soundtrack to your life?

Today I was listening to a song “Making Plans for Nigel” (Nouvelle Vague’s version) and I started thinking about a wonderful new connection and friend I made 18 months ago, called Nigel.

When scanning back through time and remembering the initial meeting, having reached out online after reading one of his inspiring posts, I reconnected with how I knew he was a kindred spirit and we just “got” each other instantly.

The journey we had both been on had so many similarities and twists and turns. It inspired and elevated us both and whenever we speak, there is a sense of flow, expansiveness and inspiration.

I am so glad to have met my friend Nigel. Listening to this song, it reminded me that he is someone I want to speak with again, very soon!

This musical moment which filled my heart, got me thinking about what is the soundtrack to my life.

What kind of songs might represent the innocence of my childhood, the challenges I faced with my parents’ divorce and then with an abusive stepfather… the life saving escape to boarding school by the seaside, the camaraderie of friends, initial moments of Self awareness, followed by college life, #MeToo moments, a chronic illness, discovering and expressing my creativity, connecting with and exploring my spiritual awakening, healing and ultimately Self discovery.

It’s been a real journey! Wouldn’t change it for the world.

In case you haven’t heard of “The Hero’s Journey” by Joseph Campbell, I would recommend reading up on it.

Star Wars’ Luke Skywalker is the most celebrated version of the Hero’s Journey. Think of what he goes through, from the day to day of his life on Tatooine, with his Aunt and Uncle, then the unexpected message from Princess Leia, meeting a mentor and guide in Obi Wan Kenobi, then the camaraderie with Han Solo and Chewbacca, onto discovering his path as a Jedi Master.

Was it easy as a path? Once he was on it, could he turn back? What did he learn along the way, what did he unlearn? How did the film music reflect all of that?

We are all on a Hero’s Journey of our own. What would you choose for your soundtrack?

What do these songs mean to you and how did they help you along on your own hero’s journey?

Hope you have fun exploring this!

PS This is your Life’s Soundtrack, it will always be a work in progress

PPS It will contain some tracks that feel odd to you now, even a little awkward or uncomfortable but that’s OK.

It’s life and life can at times be messy. Embrace and integrate rather than shun or avoid. This is a playlist for the true you, in all your kaleidoscope of experiences and meaningful moments 🤗

Here’s the link to my work in progress playlist on Spotify in case you’re interested.

All tracks have meant something at some point, including one I sung to my Nana on her deathbed in 2018, another one planned for our wedding dance in 2019. None are in exact chronological order: