Have you ever been through a significant change in life and you have emerged a brighter, lighter yet stronger person, even though it was a difficult process at the time? Maybe you are currently going through a challenging time of change, disruption or unforeseen events. How do you think you would look back on this, with the perspective of looking back, a year from now?
A chrysalis is a wonderful metaphor for the process of change. We go into the change with a set of beliefs, values, knowledge and perhaps wisdom. The change itself can affect us on an emotional, mental, physical, energetic and spiritual level. Imagine what a caterpillar’s world view is on going into its chrysalis. Endless eat, sleep, repeat as if on a treadmill. It is cocooned in a beautiful, safe space and the mystery of transformation begins. Is it conscious of the changes happening, what does the caterpillar in the chrysalis feel or experience? Are we aware of all the shifts internally when we go through a period of change?
“Embracing transformational change keeps us relevant, open to serendipity and consciously connected”
When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, it has wet wings. When we go through a transformational change, we are the same. We know we could have the potential to fly, we have acquired new skills and knowledge thanks to the change, we just aren’t fully ready to fly yet.
This is the key, vulnerable moment in transformation, where we have hope, motivation and may be embarking on something new, such as setting up a new business after leaving corporate. At this time, anything - a chance comment, an event that doesn’t go as expected, a quizzical look, can contribute to us feeling deflated or wounded. We have wet wings and haven’t yet stepped out to fly.
Here are some tips for how to emerge from your chrysalis of change:
Developing an unshakeable belief - You are here, doing this for a reason, your path has led you here, feel grounded, connected with your values and repeat a positive mantra like “Yes, we’ve got this!”
Find a way to smile inside when you think about your new path and keep your eyes open for opportunities which can lead to serendipity
Surrounding yourself with positive mindset friends and family who are there for you
Learn from your upsets and mistakes - call them “Growth Medicine”!
Find a skilled coach to act as your cheerleader for when you have wobbles (these are natural!) or need to find your commitment and focus to keep on the path
You will become your beautiful butterfly self and create lift off!