What is your strategy for making a decision?
Do you spend time going from a “Yes” to a ‘No'“, then a “Not Sure” and then quit?
Or do you go straight in, feet first, then find you regret such a short time spent on evaluating pros, cons and implications?
Maybe you get stuck in your head, overthinking things, weighing up all the options, until confusion and fatigue sets in, then inertia followed by self-doubt?
If you struggle to make an important decision, you are in good company! A lot of us feel more comfortable when we have more certainty, yet a decision calls for change and it can be hard to have absolute clarity on how the final outcome will be.
What if there was a way to get access to an inner sense of ‘Knowing’, coupled with a good amount of “Gut Instinct”, as well as “Mental Clarity”? Would you be up for trying to access this?!
It is a simple approach, which can be done in a few moments. The key ingredients are a curious mind, an open heart and a willingness to try it out…
Step 1 - Clear your mind chatter
Get centred and calm your busy mind - this takes just 30 seconds, using the ‘Gamut Technique”. Here is a link to download /view how to do this Gamut Technique . See below for a picture of the Gamut Point
Once you have done the Gamut technique, do an internal check in:
You are likely to notice fewer thoughts, even having an empty mind, for once!
Your left and right brain hemispheres will be aligned and in balance, allowing your rational thinking side and creative ideas side to feel harmonised
It is said that by doing the Gamut technique, it is the equivalent to having meditated for 30+ minutes
In general day-to-day life, simply tapping the Gamut Point is very useful for whenever feeling anxious or in a panic/phobic state. Here is a short video to help: Simple Tapping Technique to Help Ease Anxiety or Panic Attacks
Gamut Point - EFT Tapping
Step 2 - Become Heart Centred
Turn your awareness to your heart centre - the place in the middle of your chest where your heart chakra resides. Allow your attention to focus on your heart centre and feel the gentle pulsing feeling of loving awareness flow through you.
Contemplate the question that you need to make a decision on, in a neutral, almost objective observer way, whilst being connected and aware of your heart centre
When you feel this pulsing feeling, almost a glowing sense of loving awareness, you will be connected with your “Knowing” sense, as in “I know this to be true” or “I know this deep down is the correct path forward”
If you do not feel any gentle pulsing or warmth in your heart centre, there is no need for concern, you can trust that you will have the opportunity to develop this over time. One way of trying to feel this gentle pulsing of loving awareness is:
Imagining you smiling inside, in your heart space
If you have a child, imaging the love you feel for them and smiling at them from this centre of your chest
If you do not have children, if you have a pet, or a very dear friend or relative, or someone who inspires you, try thinking of them, smiling inside
The formation of a “knowing” sense, about this decision that has been emerging as the right one, could now come forward into your awareness
Step 3 - Check in with your subconscious
Have you heard of the Sway Technique? It is a very simple and a very effective tool for checking in with our mind/body on if they are aligned with our decisions and plans.
Make an “OK” sign (index finger and thumb pressed together with your non-writing hand, so left hand for people who write with their right hand)
Point your index finger of your writing hand, hooking it through the “OK” sign circle (thumb and index finger pressed together) and apply a light pressure outwards, where the thumb and finger meet, as if you are trying to break the seal open
Ask your body to show you the answer for “Yes”, then you try and pull the “OK” sign thumb and index finger apart. They should hold firm and true and it should not be possible to break the circle open
Ask your body to show you the answer for “No”, then you try and pull the “OK” sign thumb and index finger apart. They should break apart and the index finger should be able to come out of the “OK” sign circle
This is a gauge for you to use, to determine a “Yes” or “No” answer to a question. As with any technique, it is to be used responsibly and ethically for your own private purposes and not asking about other people, without their permission!
Ask if your conscious mind agrees with this decision, using the Sway technique to get a “Yes” or “No” answer
Ask if your subconscious mind agrees with this decision, using the Sway technique to get a “Yes” or “No” answer
Ask if your energy field agrees with this decision, using the Sway technique to get a “Yes” or “No” answer
Hopefully all three areas will give a “Yes” answer. If any of them are “No'“, speak to the area directly, with kindness and openness. It can go something like this:
I understand you are not currently in agreement with this decision, would you be open to supporting me, if I can reassure you that this is for our highest good? If we act with integrity, being of service and creating an opportunity for growth, it would be great to have you on board. I would love for us to be a team working together towards this!
If you still get a “No”, you can go within, taking a deep breath and ask with a gentle tone that you are curious to hear what the concerns are. “Please let me know with my inner voice what’s up. Thank you 🙏”
Take the concerns, if there are any, on board. It might be your gut instinct calling out an issue that is not yet seen, but it is FELT. Trust in that felt sense, it is super powerful. The neurons in your gut are more than the neurons in a dog’s brain, so there is a real intelligence there!
Bonus Tip
So sometimes, our rational brain really wants to feel satisfied that we have been rigorous in our analysis. It might feel happy if we create a list or Pros and Cons, so it can assess which is the longest list. Also, some of the items could be scored or weighted. It can be a helpful way of ratifying on paper what our “Knowing” sense and our “Gut Insinct” sense are telling us.
Please reach out if you want facilitated support on decision making, there are so many helpful techniques in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to help with making key decisions in our lives! Here’s a link for booking a 45 minute complimentary call: Click Here to Book a Complimentary Call